Western Civilization

Western Civilization: Ideas, Politics, and Society - * High School Credit - 9th -12th Grade

Led by Christy Mixson.

3pm - 4pm weekly on Wednesdays at CBC.

From the ancients to 1789, students will critically examine the three traditions of Western Civilization within a political history chronology: the classical cultures of Greece and Rome, historical Christianity, and the Modern Era of Enlightenment. Religion and Philosophy will be emphasized. This class will be conducted weekly in a lecture format. Students will be encouraged to participate in discussion.

Primary source supplemental reading will be assigned through websites, downloads, and possibly selected portions of books. Students will have weekly assignments to be completed at home; some written work may be started or have assistance in class. Students may create a time-line, write essays, critical reviews of published articles, and at least one reflection paper.

Lectures will be based on a college textbook sourse: Western Civilization: Ideas, Politics, and Society - Volume 1: to 1789 by Marvin Perry, ninth edition.